Welcome to the end of another week, hopefully the sun will come out at some point and we can get to enjoy the weekends without football during the close season. That said, we have football of a sort back at The Meadow tomorrow when we play host to the Alex Horne Comedy Trophy between Chicken City and Egg United – confused? That is just the start of it!

Yes, tomorrow’s game raising money to be split between the club and chosen charities will see a host of celebrity comedians join forces with a couple of Chesham United players from our senior and ladies teams to form two sides to compete in a football match that will be like no other, with the rules created by the brains behind TV’s Taskmaster, Alex Horne, you can only begin to imagine what will be going on when all kicks off at 3.00pm tomorrow!

If you have ordered tickets for the game you will have been sent more information about the day, if you have not purchased tickets, I’m afraid to say the match is a complete sell out and there will be no tickets available on the door. A huge thank you to the near 3,000 people that have bought tickets, thank you to Alex Horne for dreaming up such a huge event to hold at the club and thank you to the many people that have been involved in getting everything organised for what will be our biggest crowd of the season. A huge amount of work goes into the organisation, and it again highlights what a fantastic set of volunteers we have at the club, it seemed they can turn their hand to almost anything. A special thank you to my fellow director, Mike Caiden, who has orchestrated the army of volunteers in such a controlled manner. A great day in propect.

We are however still on the lookout for more volunteers, during the close season and in preparation for the new season, that will come around in no time. In particular we are looking to fill vacancies for a matchday chef in the kitchen, preparing food for the players and boardroom on game days, plus we are looking for volunteers to help with stewarding and managing the gates on a matchday. Of course if you cannot wait until then to get involved, we have plenty of maintenance work that we would happily have people take on the task of completing. If you have time to spare and would like to help out, contact me at chairman@cheshamunited.co.uk..

Next month you will be aware that we welcome Treorchy Male Voice Choir to Chesham and St Mary’s Church for a fantastic event of culture, and in support of our Club Charity ‘Buckinghamshire Mind’.  For 130 years, the Choir has been recognised as one of the greatest choral ensembles of all time and has given Royal Command Performances, appeared alongside international entertainers and undertaken an enviable number of tours around the world. If you have not yet purchased your tickets you can do so here.

It looks like on Monday, we will find out the details of how the leagues will be organised next season and be able to start planning for facing new opposition with the various promotions, relegations and horizontal shuffling that goes on at this time of the year. I know for supporters it is exciting to look out for new opposition and new away days, it is a similar feeling for the club officials and management as we plan budgets, strategies and travel arrangements.

Have a great weekend,

Peter Brown, Chairman